Exempt development includes minor renovations that do not require planning or building approval before construction. It has no impact on residential or industrial property. Some of these low impact developments and renovations include; decks, patios, garden shades, fences, carports, painting houses, or performing repairs. It is exempt development, as long as all minimum development standards are met. For your exempt development to comply with development policy, it should meet minimum requirements under the state policy under exempt development.
How to get your building plan approved
There are different ways in which you can start applying for exempt development. Usually, the size and scale of development determine what path to follow to get a plan approval. Minor renovations and home improvements fall under exempt development. These small improvement projects that do not require consent include decks, patios, carports balcony, etc. You do not need permission to erect these projects as long as your constructions follow the laid down guidelines and state policies under exempt development.
There are other straightforward residential and commercial developments that might fall under exempt development or fast track complying development, but only if they meet specific requirements that an accredited certifier might warrant without the need for full development procedures.
- Why does the state assess and regulate property development?
States assess and regulate property development to ensure compliance in projects with potential dangers such as industrial mines, significant developments like high storey buildings, and other infrastructures to provide certain minimum conditions are met before they are approved. State agents move around to undertake enforcement and compliance; any construction or project that skips these processes risk demolitions in the future.
The state has an essential role in vetting and assessing major proposed infrastructures to balance new jobs and the community’s welfare and environmental interests. The development assessment process is getting information and deciding whether there was an independent review carried out on a plan and if the community consultative committee agrees to the project or not. It also considers environmental matters, and the procedure went through the required pathways for approval.
- What exempt development is about
Developments that do not require building approval and the following are a few examples: Access ramps, carports, air conditioning units, fences, poultry houses, hot water systems, playground equipment, water tanks, sculptures, and water tanks, tennis courts, letterboxes to name but a few.
- Exempt development exclusions
Like any other development restrictions, some specific exclusions are meant to protect against the negative impacts of land or those with a sensitive distinctive character. These apply to special interests such as areas that belong to national heritage. To be specific, you cannot construct and exempt development projects on areas specifically preserved for national origin, among other reservations that do not allow exempt development projects.
Steps towards getting exempt development
First, consider exempt development projects if it falls under general exclusions and does not include local exclusions. And step two, check to see if the proposed exempt development meets requirements under specified codes. The third step checks to see whether the exempt development meets standards under SEPP codes. The next step is the complying development where we match local requirements and conditions are adhered to, and building standards comply. And the final step follows when all the exempt development conditions are up to date, you can proceed with the construction without further building approvals.